Conference Programme

8,30 - 9,00 Conference opening

9,00 - 11,00 Copyright

Jarmila Lazíková Food and copyright in the EU and US law

Kenneth Kaunda Kodiyo The legal framework for copyright protection in Kenya in digital age

11,00 - 13,00 Patents and licences

Karel Marek Licence agreements

Igor Nikolic - Niccolo Galli The European Commission expert group´s take on standard essential patents: a short commentary for a long report

Izabela Hasińska -  Krzysztof Różański Legal and economic aspects of patent protection of biotechnology inventions

Izabela Lipińska Reinforcement the position of an agricultural producer in the food supply chains on the basis of intellectual property law instruments

14,00 - 16,00 Branding, trademark, protected designations and trade names

Domenico Viti - Jana Naščáková Place branding and reputation - the case of the Poloniny national park

Gabriele Suffia Digital regeneration of villages and urban areas in Europe - the Italian perspective

Martin Janku The TRIPS convention and its current importance for the protection of intellectual property rights

Leonardo Pastorino Some keys of reading to interpret the EU - MERCOSUR agreement on geographical indications

Helena Pullmanová Applicable law in infringements of the right to a trade name

16,00 - 17,30 Intellectual Property and Business

Zina Machničová - Lucia Palšová Negative phenomenon of the land grabbing? Assumptions, causes and possible impacts of its existence, literature review

Pavlína Remiášová - Ivan Takáč Development of coworking centers in the regions of Slovakia

Ľubica Rumanovská Innovation activities of small and medium entreprises and its protection in the Slovak Republic

Martin Prčík - Marián Kotrla Innovative possibilities of using medium and less production soils in Slovakia as support for regional bioenergetics

17,30 - 18,00 Concluding remarks

Jean Monnet Module EU Intellectual Property

no. 599683-EPP-1-2018-1-SK-EPPJMO-MODULE

Funding from the European Union

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